Replacing your light bulbs with Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs otherwise know as CFL’s can save you 75% over standard incandescent bulbs.  New CFL’s come in a variety of shapes and sizes that will fit regular light fixtures.  Yes CFL’s are initially more expensive than standard light bulbs but they can last up to 10 times as long and use about 25% of the electricity.  
Now you’re going to tell me that CFL’s give a harsh light.  Your right the first time I bought a CFL and installed it I felt like I was in a hospital because it was a really white light.  Through trial and error I have discovered 2 things.  The first is that for a warmer light buy a bulb that has a Kelvin rating of 2700.  The 2700K bulbs will give off a much more desirable light than the 3000k-5000k bulbs that are available.  Second I will often step down the wattage a bit over the incandescent equal.  For example, typically a 60 watt incandescent equals a 13-15 watt CFL.  When replacing a 60 watt incandescent I will use a 10-13 watt CFL.  This will vary among brands so its not a hard and fast rule but it has helped me find a softer light that my wife won’t object to. 
What about the mercury? READ MORE
Courtesy: TMG Homes


Green building -- or sustainable building -- involves incorporating eco-friendly elements into the design and maintenance of a home and minimizing the impact on the environment when building houses, condos and the like.

More homeowners and builders are interested in green building and want to choose energy efficient features for their homes, so it's important to know what's fact and what's myth. Peter Yost of BuildingGreen LLC in association with GreenBuildingAdvisor.com addresses eight common green building myths. 

Courtesy: HGTVpro.com